Bank Sultra

Bank Sultra


Code: 00100

The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Development Bank was established on March 2, 1968 based on the Gotong Royong Regional Representative Council Decree No. 34 of 1968 concerning the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Development Bank and obtained an operational permit from the Minister of Finance No.D, on January 27 1970, which was later amended by Regional Regulation No.1 of 1981 dated January 22, 1981, Regional Regulation No. 2 of 1988 on 8 April 1988 and Local Regulation 2 of 1993 on 13 February 1993.

In line with changes in banking regulations and regulations, especially regarding capital requirements for Commercial Banks as referred to by the Indonesian Banking Architecture (API), the provisions for establishing the Southeast Sulawesi BPD are adjusted according to Law No. 5 of 2003 dated 12 September 2003 as amended by Bylaw No. 10 of 2004 dated September 21, 2004 by changing the provisions concerning the authorized capital of the Southeast Sulawesi BPD from Rp. 50,000,000,000.- (fifty billion rupiah) to Rp. 150,000,000,000 (one hundred and fifty billion rupiahs) was then amended by Regional Regulation number 3 of 2011 dated April 20, 2011 concerning the authorized capital of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Development Bank from Rp.750,000,000,000 (seven hundred and fifty billion rupiahs).

In order to improve service quality and business development, the Southeast Sulawesi BPD changed its status from a Regional Company (PD) to a Limited Liability Company (PT) based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights number AHU-4439.AH.01.01 dated August 23, 2013.